Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Winter on the Farm

Farming through the winter is a lot less fun than living on a farm in the summer. Although that goes without saying, the donkeys have a beautiful winter coat and the chickens are all fluffed staying huddled together. We have had below freezing temperatures for days and we are carrying out buckets of water and trying to thaw their water tank with heat lamps, to no avail.

Another fox has been visiting and we lost another duck, back to only one. It also seems like our chicken numbers are down but I haven't counted lately. I am concerned about the weather reports predicting ten year lows as the week progresses.

Even though keeping everyone fed and watered is a pain in the winter, the snow is so beautiful and reminds us again of why we are choosing this lifestyle.

We also started our first week of Josh and I both leaving for work every morning and Ben going to grandma's house in the morning. We are still getting used to this routine and I'll be ready for bed by about 8:30 tonight.


  1. Your little donkey is so sweet with its nose sticking out of the fence. My parents goat had kids and they froze, they thought they might save one of them, but it was too late. They even had a house all set up warm and she wouldn't use it. Winter is hard on a farm. Have you found the little floater thingys that warm a bucket electronically to keep the ice out? At least for your large stock, it might be worth the investment.

  2. Great pics of the snow, but of course you know I'm partial to the donkey photos :) Sorry to hear about your duck! -Tammy
