Tuesday, May 12, 2009

For Those Who Want To Help

We will be staying at Cox South with Ben from the 19th through the end of that week. My brother will be house-sitting for us. We aren't exactly sure what day we'll go home, but probably sometime that weekend. I know several of you have offered to visit or bring us food at the hospital or once we're home. I can't exactly remember who has offered and when, so I set up a care calendar here http://carecalendar.org/logon/16400 Leave a comment and I will email you the security code. We will be in the pediatric ICU for the first day or two, and our family will take care of our food the day of surgery. We will then be in a regular hospital room after that. I'll post the room number when we have one or you can text me at X and I'll get you the information. Josh will have the week of surgery off, but then he will be working the following week off and on. For anyone visiting, no children may visit Ben at the hospital or once we are home for a couple of weeks. Also, please don't visit if you aren't feeling well. We understand that you may have liked to visit, but we can't have anyone around who may even be a little sick. I can't thank everyone enough for all of the support we've been given. We are so lucky to have such great friends.



  1. Lara - My sister, Jodi, sent your blog address to me....first off, good luck with the surgery. Secondly, go dems! Third, if you ever need company while visiting JC, look me up! By the way, great job with the couponing! I'm very impressed! -kate hill

  2. Thanks Jill!

    Kate, I just found your sister's blog and it sounds like her life is getting even more exciting too!. We aren't in JC too much these days, because Josh has become a work at home dad. Thanks for the compliments and well-wishing!
