Wednesday, March 18, 2009

one month today

I can't believe Ben is a month old already! We drove to Jeff City to visit daddy for a few days and Ben handled the car trip pretty well. I think we packed about half of our house in the car, but a lot of what we packed I'm planning on leaving in Josh's apartment for our subsequent visits.

Josh's very man-ish part-time pad

I think Ben's experiencing a growth spurt because he's wanting to nurse at least once an hour, every hour that he's awake. I am starving and exhausted from it all, but I know it will pass. His hair is also really thinning as of the last week.

Ben and I have each accomplished several milestones during the past month.
I can nurse with one hand and type with the other.
Ben grabs onto my necklaces or clothing when I'm holding him.
I can name all eight of Jon and Kate plus 8's kids.
Ben can roll from his side onto his back.
I have learned that people are so much nicer to you when you're holding a baby.
Ben will occasionally turn his head to see someone talking or moving.
I found out I absolutely have to wear a bra 24 hours a day now.
Ben can hold his head up for quite a bit longer and look around.
We both go through so much more laundry a day than I ever imagined.
I'm sure we've both learned so much more, but he's ready to eat again so I need to wrap this up.

I also received (what I'm considering) my first real smile today. I was carrying Ben around the house and talking to him and he gave me the cutest gummy grin and I got so excited.

1 comment:

  1. yeah 11 months later and i am still having to wear a bra 24 hours a day!
