Monday, March 23, 2009

we bought a Prius

After much debate, Josh and I decided it would be better if he had a car, given the miles he drives between here and Jefferson City and the amount of money we spend on gas. So we began our search on Craigslist and found a used Prius in El Dorado Springs. Josh test drove it yesterday and Pam and I went to buy it and bring it home today.

We now have a Nissan Frontier to sell, if you know anyone who is interested.

Ben was fussy on the way up and some of the time on the way back, and after a night of little sleep, I am exhausted. We are on day 7 of eye goop, and the eye drops are helping, but his eyes are still gross, especially after he's been sleeping for a while. I'm going to call the pediatrician again tomorrow to ask about it. I have really wanted to take Ben for professional pictures, but I don't want to make an appointment until his eyes have cleared up completely.

We have pacifier problems - we can't keep track of them. So far we've lost five between the dogs, traveling to Jeff City, and I'm not sure how else. We recently ordered 25 more Gumdrop pacifiers online. They are only available at the hospital here in town and it's the only kind he likes. We found they cost quite a bit less if we ordered them through Amazon. We're down to one, so I hope our shipment arrives before we loose it too.

Ben spends a lot of time holding onto his pacifier for dear life.

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