The dogs are turning my hair gray faster than my fifth graders were. I am constantly managing to keep all of the doors shut and everything up and out of reach in order to let the dogs in the house because they run off with everything. We have a dog door leading from our laundry room to the backyard. I love my dogs, but I feel differently about them than Josh. I really wouldn't mind if I didn't see them for a few days. Now that Ben's here, I probably wouldn't even notice. However, Josh is gone and I'm responsible for feeding them. I also feel a slight twinge of guilt if I leave them out all day long, so I try to let them in for at least a few hours a day, until now. In a normal day, they will steal a burp rag or washcloth and run outside with it through the dog door. About once a week I go through the backyard with a walmart bag and fill it with rags, diaper parts, plastic or paper from the trash, and other odds and ends the dogs managed to swipe from the house. (We have bought them several toys, but they aren't interested.)

Those days are over because today they got my cell phone. I restrained myself from beating them, but they are now outside dogs unless Josh is home and able to supervise them inside on weekends. It's just not reasonable for me to constantly watch them and care for Ben at the same time, so I am over my guilt and the dogs can watch us through the sliding glass door. If it's raining, they can still get into the laundry room, but not the rest of the house. Josh is just lucky I didn't open the gate and say they ran away (not that it crossed my mind.)
I went to the Sprint store and they ordered a replacement phone for me and it should be here within a couple of days. Now I'm even more isolated in my small house out in the country. If I didn't have internet I don't know if I could stay here. I also have to stay home until the phone comes, so I can sign for the delivery. I hope it comes tomorrow.

Mom got me flowers to cheer me up after my frustrating day.
Ben hit another little milestone today. He can now roll from his stomach to his side. A couple of weeks ago he started rolling from his side to his back. Now he has to put the pieces together and roll from his stomach to his back. I'm sure he will any day now.

*I'm working on adjusting my blog settings and I need to know if my page takes a long time to load on your computer. I still want to include a lot of pictures, but I don't want it to take a long time to load, no matter the internet speed. Thanks!*
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